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 Definition: Prejudices (emotion) and Discrimination (behavior) 

 PREJUDICE: Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

DISCRIMINATION: In human social behavior, discrimination is prejudiced treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction towards, a being based on the group, class, or category to which they are perceived to belong.

 Write examples of different situations (from different countries or general ones) which show prejudice and discrimination based on stereotypes.  

Catalan people are very mean and they don’t like spending their money.
Catalan people speaks very fast and loud.
 Catalan people likes sangria.
German people drinks a lot of beer.
German people they have a lot of rules.
German people are always on time.
Hungarian people are very strong in drinking.
Hungarian people likes football.
Hungarian people are sad and depress all the time.
Italian people drinks a lot of coffee.
Italian people shows their emotions.
Italian people move a lot their hands while they are talking.

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