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Stereotypes impact on feeling and behavior

Stereotype is a simplified idea about what a particular type of person is like. Mostly these are false ideas.

It can be negative or positive so it can jude that group in different ways. Stereotype can be measured by a specific or general characteristic of the object that is considered. For example, prejudicie and discrimination based on race is called racism. Oftentimes, gender prejudicie or discrimination is referred to as sexism. So stereotype can concern different aspect of general categories. Other kinds of discrimination could be about religion, because of the presence of a majority and minority religious belief in a country; culture, caused by the differences between traditions and ideologies.

Obviously find disadvantages can be easier than find advantages because we all know that stereotypes is something which usually discriminate. On the other hand we can consider stereotypes an alternative way to know new country or kind of people, even if it evidence a negative aspect.





Stereotype can impact in many ways on the peolpe because we can make a distinction between two words: prejudice and discriminatio. The most important difference is that perjudicies is based on a image idea for example "itialians tend to be late" while discrimination tend to be related to the expierience for example "spanish boys ear skinny jeans" 

Cases analysis

More specifically it's possible to consider examples of stereotypes for each big category and analyses them to have in this way a more real sense of them 


"The blue it´s for boys and pink for girls". We can find this stereotype in the real life for example when we have to deal with a new birth; people usually link to a boy the colour blue while to a girl the pink one


"All the Muslims are Arabs". We can define this as prejudice and the most of times people associate this concepts because of the ignorance.


"Black people are dangerous". Sometimes we tend to discriminate them because it can happen that immigrants, who come from Africa, commit crimes in our country.

Sex orientation:

"Women to protect themselves from sexual violence have to dress differently". This happens because the most of people think that the violence is caused by the women's provocation and not by the men's cruelty.


"Germans are unfriendly". You might think that idea because Germans respect rules very much and take the most things very serious. So maybe they're just too serious sometimes and because of that thay seem unfriendly or without humor. This obviously is a perjudicie.

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